Current Electricity

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Need to study for Physics? Here are some questions to help you out!!!

In this video, Salman Khan of Khan Academy explains magnetism and magnetic fields due to current. Part 6 of 12.

Detailed information using Kirchhoff's laws to analyze circuits.

This site provides links to topics including electromagnetic induction, electromagnetism, static electricity and electric circuits. Some more specific subjects include static electric charge, electric current, magnetic flux, and Faraday's law.

Interactive Java applets that can be downloaded or run from the website. Graphics are excellent. Covers several less common topics, e.g. in heat and thermodynamics.

In this video, Salman Khan of Khan Academy explains magnetism and induced current. Part 12 of 12.

This shows how to understand ohms law on the electron level. This shows the equation for current density and resistivity and how it relates to current and resistance. An example is given of determining the resistance of a copper wire.

Webpage discussion of magnetic fields surrounding wires and the forces on current-carrying wires.